The Colbert Report
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In class today, we looked at this set of questions that Judy put together for you:
- What did the Thai student do that made the textbook company mad?
- Please explain the “first sale doctrine.”
- What does Stephen Colbert say are the implications if the Supreme Court rules against the Thai student?
- Why did Stephen Colbert call Elvis Costello?
- Why did Costello say he wanted 15 cents? What did he settle for instead?
- What is Colbert's opinion of the case?
“I don't buy that”Stephen Colbert mentions eBay, and so we turned to the British Council for a relevant audio text, which you can access here. We reviewed the quiz included with the British Council lesson:
garage sale
“my take”
“a textbook case of ….”
“board games”
Listen to David giving his presentation about eBay in a business school seminar. Listen and correct the mistakes in this student’s notes on David’s presentation:
- eBay was founded five years ago
- eBay employs 12,600 people around the world
- In 2005 the turnover was $ 5.55 million
- From the beginning top eBay management had successful computer backgrounds
- eBay has got shops all over the world
- eBay is successful in Japan and Hong Kong