Wednesday, January 30, 2013

S201-205 Homework: Tell Harry how you get to school

Photo J. Maurer
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Harry who writes:
... I have to catch two buses to get to school. I don't mind, though, because the buses usually run on time and they aren't too crowded. How do you get to school? Do you find the journey tiring? What's public transport like in your area?

Our school just had its first-ever "Environment Day"....
Write a letter to Harry. In your letter
  • answer his questions
  • ask three questions about the "Environment Day" event at his school
Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter-writing. Please bring your letter to your class next week (February 6 or 8).

Exercise adapted from Olga Afanasyeva, Virginia Evans, Victoria Kopylova, Practice Exam Papers for the Russian State Exam, 2010 Revised Edition, Moscow: Express Publishing/Prosveshchenie Publishers.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

S201-205 Homework: Letter to a gymnast

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Julia who writes:
… I'm a gymnast so I train almost every day, and I travel a lot to competitions, so I don't have much free time. Are you involved in any clubs or sports? How much free time do you have and what kinds of things do you like to do? Do you get together very often with your friends?

In two weeks, I'm going to Ireland for a gymnastics competition.
Write a letter to Julia, answering her questions and asking her three questions about her plans to go to Ireland. Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter-writing.

This homework is due at your class time next week (January 30 or February 1).

Adapted from Elena Klekovkina, Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore-Knowles, Practice Tests for the Russian State Exam. Moscow, Macmillan Russia, 2006.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

S201-205 Homework: Are zoos ever a good idea?

Tell us what you really think! Are zoos justifiable? Why or why not?

If you have already finished your essay on a topic of your choice, then I will ask you to write this new essay on a EGE blank form during class time. However, if I don't already have your personal-topic essay, then I will ask you to finish that essay during this week's class, and write the zoo essay as homework.

Kazan' Zoo and Botanical Park, December 2013

Exercise from Olga Afanasyeva, Virginia Evans, Victoria Kopylova, Practice Exam Papers for the Russian State Exam, 2010 Revised Edition, Moscow: Express Publishing/Prosveshchenie Publishers. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Tea--schedule change

For all Institute students: Our afternoon teas will restart on February 12.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Groups 501-502: Last call for December tests

To access the test, click on the graphic above.

Please note: this is a low-tech test. It's not an interactive form; you have to write your answers in a separate document. Please write and send me your answers (via e-mail or on vkontakte) right away!! I have to give Larisa Viktorovna grades on January 8.

In general, I don't like giving tests this way--it's impossible to control the test-taking environment. Next spring, we probably won't offer this option except to students caught in emergency situations.

Happy New Year!