Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Groups 201-204 Homework: Audrey writes from Hollywood (update)

Paramount's "fake New York." Source.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Audrey, who writes:
Hello from Los Angeles. Yesterday we spent four hours at the Paramount Studio in Hollywood. Paramount is the last movie studio still operating in Hollywood. They make the Star Trek films. What do you think of Hollywood films? Do you have a favorite? Do you prefer seeing films at home or in a theater?

On Friday we leave for San Francisco.
Please answer Audrey's questions, and ask her three questions about her travels. Write from 100 to 140 words, and remember the rules of letter-writing. The assignment should take about 20 minutes.

Update: As promised, a fragment of Mystery Science Theater 3000 follows:

(You can find whole episodes on YouTube as well.)

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